
Friday, 25 June 2021

About Thomas Edison


  • When were they alive, eg, 1907-1978.1847 

  • Where did they live? Edison Ohio Michigan

  • What did they invent? The gramophone 

  • What did they work on that wasn’t successful? He has not failed he just found 10’000 ways they won’t work

  • What were some challenges that they faced? He had developed serious hearing problems which were variously attributed to scarlet fever, mastoiditis, or a blow to the head. 

  • Include photos of the inventor and their inventions.

An invention I could not lie without

 One invention that I could not live without is a shower because otherwise how are you going to be clean right you can use a shower for cleaning clothes for a drink and to clean yourself compared to the olden days maybe the used a  bucket and went to a river and they use to use a bath and would fill it up and then they would take turns hopping in and would clean themself you probably wouldn't want to be the last one because the water would be dirty and would probably have germs but now you can have a clean shower.

How to Install a Shower - DIY | PJ Fitzpatrick

2 greatest inventions

 A shower is one of the greatest inventions because you can clean your clothes and have warm hot and cold showers

How to Install a Shower - DIY | PJ Fitzpatrick

A toilet is one of the greatest inventions because when people need to go they use to dig a hole in the ground I don’t like that because there might be something in the ground. Did you know that back in the old days toilets use to be together? That’s crazy!

How To Install A Toilet | DIY Guides | Victorian Plumbing

What toilets and sewers tell us about ancient Roman sanitation